Chin W-C, Orellana MV, Verdugo P. Spontaneous assembly of marine dissolved organic matter into polymer gels. Nature 1998. 391:568-572.
Nguyen T*, Chin W-C*, Verdugo P. Role of Ca2+/K+ ion exchange in intracellular storage and release of Ca2+. Nature 1998. 395:908-912. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
Dabrowski M J, Chen JP, Shi HQ, Chin W-C, Atkins WM. Strategies for protein-based nanofabrication: Ni2+-NTA as a chemical mask to control biologically imposed symmetry. Chem. Biol. 1998. 5:689-697.
Nguyen T, Chin W-C, O'Brien JA, Verdugo P, Berger AJ. Intracellular regulatory pathways of rat ependymocytes. J. Physiol. (London) 2001. 531:131-140.
Quesada I, Chin W-C, Steed J, Campos-Bedolla P, Verdugo P. Mouse mast cell secretory granules can function as intracellular ionic oscillators. Biophys. J. 2001. 80:2133-2139.
Chin W-C, Quesada I, Nugyen T, Verdugo P. Oscillations of pH inside the secretory granule control the gain of Ca2+ release for signal transduction in goblet cells exocytosis. Novartis Foundation (Ciba Foundation) Symposium, 2002, 248: 132-141.
Quesada I, Chin W-C, Verdugo P. ATP-independent lumenal oscillations and release of Ca2+ and H+ from mast cell secretory granules: implications for signal transduction. Biophys. J. 2003. 85: 963-970.
Orellana MV, Lessard EJ, Dycus E, Chin W-C, Foy MS, Verdugo P. Tracing the source and fate of biopolymers in seawater: application of an immunological technique. Mar. Chem. 2003. 83: 89-99.
Chin W-C, Orellana MV, Quesada I, Verdugo P. Secretion in unicellular marine phytoplankton: demonstration of regulated exocytosis in Phaeocystis globosa. Plant Cell Physiol. 2004. 45(5): 535-542.
Chin W-C, Quesada I, Steed J, Verdugo P. Modeling Ca-polyanion crosslinking in secretory networks. Assessment of charge density and bond affinity in polyanionic secretory network. Macromol. Symp. 2005. 227:89-96.
Quesada I., Chin, W-C, Verdugo P. Mechanisms of signal transduction in photo-stimulated secretion in Phaeocystis globosa. FEBS Lett. 2006. 580: 2201-2206.
Zheng J, Chin W-C, Khijniak E, Khijniak, E Jr, Pollack GH. Surfaces and interfacial water: Evidence that hydrophilic surfaces have long-range impact. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 2006. 127: 19-27.
Ding Y, Yang K, Chin W-C. Ethanol augments elevated-[Ca2+]C induced trypsin activation in pancreatic acinar zymogen granules. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2006. 350: 593-597.
Yang K, Ding Y, Chin W-C. K+-induced ion-exchanges trigger trypsin activation in pancreas acinar zymogen granules. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2007. 459: 256–263.
Ding Y, Chin W-C, Verdugo P. Development of a fluorescence quenching assay to measure the fraction of organic carbon present in self-assembled gels in seawater. Mar. Chem. 2007. 106: 456-462.
Chen C-S, Breslauer DN, Luna JI, Grimes A, Chin W-C, Lee LP, Michelle K. Shrinky-Dink microfluidics: 3D polystyrene chips. Lab. Chip 2008. 8, 622 – 624. PMID: 18369519
Chen C-S, Pegan J, Luna J, Xia B, McCloskey K, Chin W-C, Khine M. Shrinky-Dink hanging drops: a simple way to form and culture embryoid bodies. JOVE. 2008. 13. (
Ding Y, Chen E, Yang K, Chin W-C. The role of ion-exchange on trypsin premature activation in zymogen granules. In “Phase Transition in Cell Biology”, Springer, Amsterdam (2008).
Verdugo P, Orellana MV, Chin W-C, Petersen TW, van den Eng G, Benner R, Hedges JI. Marine biopolymer self-assembly: implications for carbon cycling in the ocean. Faraday Discuss. 2008. 139: 393-398.
Ding Y, Chin W-C, Rodriguez A, Hung C, Santschi PH, Verdugo P. Amphiphilic exopolymers from Sagittula stellata induce DOM self-assembly and formation of marine microgels. Mar. Chem. 2008. 112: 11-19.
Chen E, Ruvalcaba M, Araujo L, Chapman R, Chin W-C. Ultrafine titanium dioxide nanoparticles induce cell death in human bronchial epithelial cells. J Exp Nanosci. 2008. 3:171-183.
Ding Y, Hung C, Santschi PH, Verdugo P, Chin W-C. Spontaneous assembly of exopolymers from phytoplankton. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. (TAO) 2009. 20: 741-747.
Chao T-I, Xiang S, Chen C-S, Chin W-C, Nelson AJ, Wang C, Lu J. Carbon nanotubes promote neuron differentiation from human embryonic stem cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2009. 384: 426-430. PMID: 19426708
Chen E Y-T, Yang N, Quinton PM, Chin W-C. A new role for bicarbonate in mucus formation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2010. 299: L542–L549. PMCID: PMC2957415
Miao A-J, Zhan X-Y, Luo Z, Chen C-S, Chin W-C, Santschi PH, Quigg A. Zinc oxide engineered nanoparticles: dissolution and toxicity to marine phytoplankton. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2010. 29: 2814-2822. PMID: 20931607
Verma, YK, Inman, RH, Mirafzal, FH, Ghosh, SN, Kelley, DF, Hirst, LS, Ghosh, S, Chin, W-C. Electrical modulation of static and dynamic spectroscopic properties of coupled GaSe quantum dot nanoassemblies. Phys Rev B. 2010. 82: 165428 (5 pages).
Chen E Y-T, Wang Y-C, Chen C-S, Chin W-C. Functionalized positive nanoparticles reduce mucin swelling and dispersion. PLoS ONE. 2010. 5(11): e15434. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015434. PMCID: PMC2978103
Miao A-J, Luo Z, Chen C-S, Chin W-C, Santschi PH, Quigg A. Intracellular uptake: A possible mechanism for silver engineered nanoparticle toxicity to a freshwater alga. PLoS ONE. 2010. 5(12): e15196. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015196. PMCID: PMC3008680
Chen E Y-T, Garnica M, Wang Y-C, Chen C-S, Chin W-C. Mucin secretion induced by titanium dioxide nanoparticles. PLoS ONE. 2011. 6(1): e16198. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016198. PMCID: PMC3023769
Chen C-S, Anaya JM, Zhang S, Spurgin J, Chunag C-Y, Xu C, Maio A-J, Chen E Y-T, Schwehr KA, Jiang Y, Quigg A, Santschi PH, Chin W-C. Effects of engineered nanoparticles on the assembly of exopolymeric substances from phytoplankton. PLoS ONE. 2011. 6(7): e21865. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0021865. PMCID: PMC3140995
Chen C-S, Chung W-J, Hsu I-C, Wu C-M, Chin W-C. Force field measurements within exclusion zone of water. J Biol Phys. 2012. 38:113–120.
Chen EY, Daley D, Wang Y-C, Garnica M, Chen C-S, Chin W-C. Functionalized carboxyl nanoparticles enhance mucus dispersion and hydration. Sci Rep. 2012. 2: 211. doi:10.1038/srep00211. PMCID: PMC3251626
Chen EY, Garnica M, Wang Y-C, Mintz AJ, Chen C-S, Chin W-C. A mixture of anatase and rutile TiO2 nanoparticles induces histamine secretion in mast cells. Part Fibre Toxicol. 2012. 9: 2. doi:10.1186/1743-8977-9-2 PMCID: PMC3275461
Chen C-S, Soni S, Le C, Biasca M, Farr E, Chen EY, Chin W-C. Human stem cell neuronal differentiation on silk-carbon nanotube composite. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2012. 7: 126. doi:10.1186/1556-276X-7-126 PMCID: PMC3292945
Chen EY, Wang Y-C, Mintz AJ, Richards A, Chen C-S, Lu D, Nguyen T, Chin W-C. Activated charcoal composite biomaterial promotes human embryonic stem cell differentiation towards neuronal lineage. J Biomed Mater Res-A. 2012. 100A: 2006-2017. PMID: 22623371
Zhang S, Jiang Y, Chen C-S, Spurgin J, Schwehr KA, Quigg A, Chin W-C, Santschi PH. Aggregation, dissolution and stability of quantum dots in marine environments: the importance of extracellular polymeric substances. Environ Sci & Tech (ES&T). 2012. 46: 8764-8772. PMID: 22834414
Zhang S, Jiang Y, Chen C-S, Creeley D, Schwehr KA, Quigg A, Chin W-C, Santschi PH. Ameliorating Effects of extracellular polymeric substances excreted by Thalassiosira pseudonana on algal toxicity of CdSe Quantum Dots. Aquat Toxicol. 2013. 126: 214-223. PMID: 23246863.
Chen C-S, Biasca M, Le C, Chen EY, Hirleman ED, Chin W-C. Determine the quality of human embryonic stem colonies with laser light scattering patterns. Biol Proced Online. 2013. 13:2. PMID: 23316759 PMCID: PMC3560278
Quigg A, Chin W-C, Chen C-S, Zhang S, Jiang Y, Miao A-J, Schwehr KA, Xu C, Santschi PH. Direct and indirect toxic effects of engineered nanoparticles on algae: role of natural organic matter. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2013. 1: 686–702.
Lu D, Chen C-S, Lai C-S, Soni S, Lam T, Le C, Chen EY, Nguyen T, Chin W-C. Microgrooved surface modulates neuron/glia differentiation in human embryonic stem cells. Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols. Turksen, Kursad (ed.) Springer Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology series (2014). PMID: 24859927
Chen EY, Sun A, Chen C-S, Mintz AJ, Chin W-C. Nicotine alters mucin rheological properties. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2014. 307: L149–L157. PMID: 24838753 PMCID: PMC4101795
Shiu R-F, Chin W-C, Lee C-L. Carbonaceous particles reduce marine microgel formation. Sci Rep. 2014. 4: 5856; DOI:10.1038/srep05856. PMID: 25068549
Polineni V, Chen C-S, Chin W-C, Gadre A. Functionalized nanoscaffolds to promote osteogenic differentiation in adipose derived human mesenchymal stem cells. Int J Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014. 1:003.
Jenkinson, I. R., Berdalet, E., Chin, W.-C., Herminghaus, S., Leterme, S., Mitchell, J. G., Orchard, M., Qiu, R., Seuront, L., Wang, P., Wyatt, T. & Zhuo, L. (2014). Micro- and nano-fluidics around HAB cells. In MacKenzie, A. L. (ed.), Marine and Fresh-Water Harmful Algae. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae, Wellington, New Zealand 27th-31st October 2014. Cawthron Institute, Nelson, New Zealand and International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA), pp. 171-174.
Chen C-S, Anaya JM, Chen EY, Farr E, Chin W-C. Ocean Warming–acidification synergism undermines dissolved organic matter assembly. PLoS ONE 2015. 10(2): e0118300. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118300. PMID: 25714090
Lu D, Chen EY, Lee P, Wang Y-C, Ching W, Markey C, Gulstrom C, Chen L-C, Nguyen T, Chin W-C. Accelerated neuronal differentiation toward motor neuron lineage from human embryonic stem cell line (H9). Tissue Engineering Part C Methods. 2015. 21: 242-252. PMID: 25036750
Chen C-S, Farr E, Anaya JM, Chen EY, Chin W-C. The Solute-Exclusion Zone: A promising application to microfluidics. Entropy. 2015. 17:1466-1476.
Jeon K-J, Chin W-C, Kim J-Y, Park C-M. Nanomaterials for Green Science and Environmental Applications. J Nanomater. 2015, Article ID 213415, 1 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/213415
Y-K Park, S-H Jhung, J-M Kim, Chin, W-C, K-J Jeon. A Special Section on The Role of Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy and Environment. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016. 16:4253-4255.
Quigg A, Passow U, Chin W-C, Bretherton L, Kamalanathan M, Xu C, Schwehr KA, Zhang S, Sun L, Wade TL, Finkel ZV, Doyle S, Sylvan JB, Williams AK, Obeid W, Hatcher PG, Knap AH, Santschi PH. The role of microbial exopolymers in determining the fate of oil and chemical dispersants in the ocean. L&O Letters. 2016. 1:3-26.
Sun L, Xu C, Zhang S, Lin P, Schwehr KA, Quigg A, Chiu M-H, Chin W-C, Sanschi PH. Light-induced aggregation of microbial exopolymeric substances. Chemosphere. 2017. 181: 675-681. PMID: 28476007
Tsai S-M, Bangalore P, Chen EY, Lu D, Chiu M-H, Suh A, Gehring M, Cangco JP, Garcia SG, Chin W-C. Graphene-induced apoptosis in lung epithelial cells through EGFR. J Nanopart Res. 2017. 19:262.
Chiu M-H, Garcia SG, Hwang B, Claiche D, Sanchez G, Aldayafleh R, Tsai S-M, Santschi PH, Quigg A, Chin W-C. Corexit, oil and marine microgels. Mar Pollut Bull. 2017. 122: 376-378. PMID: 28684106
Chiu M-H, Khan Z, Garcia SG, Le AD, Kagiri A, Ramos J, Tsai S-M, Drobenaire HW, Santschi PH, Quigg A, Chin W-C. Effect of engineered nanoparticles on exopolymeric substances release from marine phytoplankton. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2017. 12:620 PMID: 29236182 PMCID: PMC5729174
Shiu R-F, Lee C-L, Chin W-C. Reduction in the exchange of coastal dissolved organic carbon and microgels by inputs of extra riverine organic matter. Water Res. 2018. 131:161-166. PMID: 29278788 DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.12.030
Guo Y, Sheng S, Zhang W, Lun M, Tsai S-M, Chin W-C, Hoglund R, Li C, "High energy photons excited photodynamic cancer therapy in vitro" Proc. SPIE 10476, Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy. 2018 XXVII, 104760T. doi: 10.1117/12.2291252
Tsai S-M, Duran-Robles E, Goshia T, Mesina M, Garcia C, Young J, Sibal A, Chiu M-H, Chin W-C. CeO2 nanoparticles attenuate airway mucus secretion induced by TiO2 nanoparticles. Sci Total Environ. 2018. 631-632: 262-269. PMID: 29525705 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.001
Chen C-S, Le C. Chiu M-H, Chin W-C. The impact of nanoplastics on marine dissolved organic matter assembly. Sci Total Environ. 2018. 634: 319-320.
Sun L, Chiu M-H, Xu C, Lin P, Schwehr KA, Bacosa H, Kamalanathan M, Quigg A, Chin W-C, Santschi PH. The effects of sunlight on the composition of exopolymeric substances and subsequent aggregate formation during oil spills. Mar Chem. 2018. 203: 49-54.
Shiu R-F, Lee C-L*, Hsieh P-Y, Chen C-S, Kang Y-Y, Chin W-C*, Tai N-H*. Superhydrophobic graphene-based sponge as a novel sorbent for crude oil removal under various environmental conditions. Chemosphere. 2018. 207: 110-117. (*corresponding authors)
Tsai S-M, Goshia T, Chen Y-C, Kagiri A, Sibal A, Chiu M-H, Gadre A, Tung V, Chin W-C. High-throughput label-free microcontact printing graphene-based biosensor for valley fever. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2018. 170: 219-223.
Xu C, Zhang S, Beaver M, Wozniak A, Obeid W, Lin Y, Wade TL, Schwehr KA, Lin, P, Sun L, Hatcher PG, Chin W-C, Chiu M-H, Knap AH, Dean K, Quigg A, Santschi PH. Decreased sedimentation efficiency of petro- and non-petro-carbon caused by a dispersant for Macondo surrogate oil in a mesocosm simulating a coastal microbial community. Mar Chem. 2018. 206: 34-43.
Schwehr KA, Xu C, Chiu M-H, Zhang S, Sun L, Lin P, Beaver M, Jackson C, Agueda O, Bergen C, Chin W-C, Quigg A, Santschi PH. Protein:polysaccharide ratio in exopolymeric substances controlling the surface tension of seawater in the presence or absence of surrogate Macondo oil with and without Corexit. Mar Chem. 2018. 206: 84-92.
Xu C, Zhang S, Beaver M, Lin P, Sun L, Doyle S, Sylvan JB, Wozniak A, Hatcher PG, Kaiser K, Yan G, Schwehr KA, Lin Y, Wade TL, Chin W-C, Chiu M-H, Quigg A, Santschi PH. The role of microbially-mediated exopolymeric substances (EPS) in regulating Macondo oil transport in a mesocosm experiment. Mar Chem. 2018. 206: 52-61.
Lin Y-J, Lin P-Y, Chen Y-P, Liu H-L, Wu T-R, Lai H-C, Chin W-C, Lo C-H, Hwang T-L, Yang C-M, La C-S. A multi-well thin-Si LAPS and All-in-One readout system for ion activity monitor of epithelium cells. Proceedings. 2018. 2: 1020.
Lin P-Y, Lin Y-J, Chen Y-P, Liu H-L, Wu T-R, Lai H-C, Chin W-C, Lo C-H, Hwang T-L, Yang C-M, La C-S. C3A epithelium cells directly cultured on high-dielectric constant material for light-addressable potentiometric sensor. Proceedings. 2018. 2: 1021.
Bacosa H-P, Kamalanathan M, Chiu M-H, Tsai S-M, Sun L, Labonte J-M, Schwehr KA, Hala D, Santschi P-H, Chin W-C, Quigg A. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) producing and oil degrading bacteria isolated from the northern Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE. 2018. 13(12): e0208406.
Tsai S-M, Mesina M, Goshia T, Chiu M-H, Young J, Sibal A, Chin W-C. Perovskite nanoparticles toxicity study on airway epithelial cells. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019. 14:14.
Sun L, Chin W-C, Chiu M-H, Xu C, Lin P, Schwehr KA, Quigg A, Santschi PH. Sunlight induced aggregation of dissolved organic matter: Role of proteins in linking organic carbon and nitrogen cycling in seawater. Sci Total Environ. 2019. 654: 872–877.
Chiu M-H, Vazquez CI, Shiu R-F, Le C, Sanchez NR, Kagiri A, Garcia CA, Nguyen CH, Tsai S-M, Zhang S, Xu C, Santschi PH, Quigg A, Chin W-C. Impact of exposure of crude oil and dispersant (Corexit) on aggregation of extracellular polymeric substances. Sci Total Environ. 2019. 657: 1535-1542.
Kamalanathan M, Chiu M-H, Bacosa H, Schwehr K, Tsai S-M, Doyle S, Yard A, Mapes S, Vasequez C, Bretherton L, Sylvan J, Santschi PH, Chin W-C, Quigg A. Role of polysaccharide synthesis in diatoms and the associated bacteria during hydrocarbon exposure. Plant Physiol. 2019. 180, 1898–1911.
Xu C, Chin W-C, Lin P, Chen H, Chiu M-H, Waggoner DC, Xing W, Sun L, Schwehr KA, Hatcher PG, Quigg A, Santschi P-H. Comparison of microgels, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) determined in seawater with and without oil. Mar Chem. 2019. 215: 103667.
Xu C, Lin P, Zhang S, Sun L, Xing W, Schwehr KA, Chin W-C, Wade TL, Knap AH, Hatcher PG, Yard A, Jiang C, Quigg A, Santschi PH. The interplay of extracellular polymeric substances and oil/Corexit to affect the petroleum incorporation into sinking marine oil snow in four mesocosms. Sci Total Environ. 2019. 693, 133626.
Shiu R-F, Carlos I. Vazquez, Tsai Y-Y, Gabriela V. T., Chen C-S, Santschi PH, Antonietta Quigg, Chin W- C. Nano-plastics induce aquatic particulate organic matter (microgels) formation. Sci Total Environ. 2020. 706, 135681.
Santschi PH, Xu C, Schwehr K, Lin P, Sun L, Chin W-C, Kamalanathan M, Bacosa H, Quigg A. Can the protein/carbohydrate (P/C) ratio of exopolymeric substances (EPS) be used as a proxy for their ‘stickiness’ and aggregation propensity? Mar Chem. 2020. 218, 103734.
Shiu R-F, Chiu M-H, Vazquez Carlos I, Tsai Y-Y, Le Andre, Kagiri Agnes, Xu C, Kamalanathan Manoj, Bacosa Hernando, Doyle Shawn, Sylvan Jason, Santschi P H, Quigg A, Chin W-C. Protein to carbohydrate (P/C) ratio changes in microbial extracellular polymeric substances induced by oil and Corexit. Mar Chem. 2020.223: 103789.
Chiang C-Y, Ligunas GD, Chin W-C, Ni C-W. Efficient non-viral stable transgenesis mediated by retroviral integrase. Mol. Ther. Methods Clin. Dev. 2020. 17, 1061-1070.
Guo Y, Sheng S, Lun M-C, Tsai S-M, Chin W-C, Hoglund R, Li C. Photodynamic therapy excited by Cerenkov radiation from Cesium-137 irradiator: In vitro studies. Clin Oncol & Res. 2020. 3 (6) doi:10.31487/j.COR.2020.06.07.
Shiu R-F, Carlos I. Vazquez, Chiang C-Y, Chiu M-H, Chen C-S, Ni C-W, Gong G-C, Quigg A, Santschi, PH, Chin W-C. Nano- and microplastics trigger protein-rich microbial extracellular polymeric substance release. Sci Total Environ. 2020. 748, 141469.
Chen C-S, Shiu R-F, Hsieh Y-Y, Xu C, Vazquez C I, Cui Y, Hsu I C, Quigg A, Santschi PH, Chin W-C. Stickiness of extracellular polymeric substances on different surfaces via magnetic tweezers. Sci Total Environ. 2021. 757, 143766.
Sun L, Xu C, Lin P, Quigg A, Chin W-C, Santschi PH. Photo-oxidation of proteins facilitating the preservation of high molecular weight dissolved organic nitrogen in the ocean. Mar Chem. 2021. 229, 103907.
Tsai Y-Y, Carlos I. Vazquez, Shiu R-F, Garcia A.K., Le C., Patel P., Sadqi M., Chin W-C. Effects of rock dust particles on airway mucus viscosity. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. 2021. 26, 427–434.
Guo Y, Liu H, Xiao H, Yuan M, Liu Y, Sedlarik V, Chin W-C, Liu J, Guo L, Li C. J. Self-assembled Camptothecin derivatives – Curcuminoids conjugate for combinatorial chemo-photodynamic therapy to enhance anti-tumor efficacy. Photochem. Photobiol. B. 2021. 215, 112124.
Yang C-M, Yen T-H, Liu H-L, Lin Y-J, Lin P-Y, Tsui L-S, Chen C-H, Chen Y-P, Hsu Y-C, Lo C-H, Wu T-R, Lai H-C, Chin W-C, Pijanowska D, Hwang T-L, Lai C-S. A real-time Mirror-LAPS mini system for dynamic chemical imaging and cell acidification monitoring. Sens Actuators B Chem. 2021. 130003.
Quigg A, Santschi PH, Xu C, Ziervogel K, Kamalanathan M, Chin W-C, Burd AB, Wozniak A, Hatcher PG. Aggregation and degradation of dispersants and oil by microbial exopolymers (ADDOMEx): towards a synthesis of processes and pathways of marine oil snow formation in determining the fate of hydrocarbons. Front. Mar. Sci. 2021. 8:935.
Santschi PH, Chin W-C, Quigg A, Xu C, Kamalanathan M, Lin P, Shiu R-F. Marine gel interactions with hydrophilic and hydrophobic pollutants. Gels 2021. 7(3), 83.
Quigg A, Santschi PH, Burd A, Chin W-C, Kamalanathan M, Xu C, Ziervogel K. From nano-gels to marine snow: A synthesis of gel formation processes and modeling efforts involved with particle flux in the ocean. Gels 2021. 7, 114.
Shiu R-F, Gong G-C, Fan M-D, Chow C-H, Chin W-C. Marine microplastics in the surface waters of “pristine” Kuroshio” Mar Pollut Bull. 2021. 172, 112808.
Jenkinson, IR, Berdalet, E, Chin W-C, Denis, M, Ding, H, Duan, J., ... & Wurl, O. The roles of plankton and neuston microbial organic matter in climate regulation. J. Plankton Res. 2021. 43 (6),801-821.
Quigg A, Xu C, Chin W-C, Kamalanathan M, Sylvan JB, Finkel ZV, Irwin AJ, Ziervogel K, Wade TL, Knap AH, Hatcher PG, Santschi PH. Marine snow formation and fluxes after crude oil spills: Review of findings from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill study. Proceedings of the International Oil Spill Conference, International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2021. 1: 689531.
Chang H-M, Vazquez CI, Shiu R-F, Chin W-C. Temperature effects on effluent microgel formation” Polymers 2022. 14(22), 4870.
Almeida-da-Silva CL, Cabido LF, Chin W-C, Wang G, Ojcius DM, Li C. Interactions between silica and titanium nanoparticles and oral and gastrointestinal epithelia: consequences for inflammatory diseases and cancer. Heliyon 2023. 9: e14022.
Kumar P., Tamayo J., Shiu R.-F., Chin W-C, Gopinath, A. Size dependent diffusion and dispersion of particles in mucin. Polymers 2023 15(15), 3241.
Ye, S, Chin W-C, Ni C-W. A multi-depth spiral milli fluidic device for whole mount zebrafish antibody staining. Biomed. Microdevices 2023. 25: 30.
Cortez, J., Romero, I., Ngo, J., Azam, M. S. T., Niu, C., Almeida-da-Silva, C. L. C., ...Chin W-C & Li, C. Multiple energy X-ray imaging of metal oxide particles inside gingival tissues. J. X-Ray Sci. Technol 2023 1-17.
Chiang C-C, Yeh H, Shiu R-F, Chin W-C, Yen, T-H. Impact of microplastics and nanoplastics on liver health: Current understanding and future research directions. World J Gastroenterol 2024 30(9): 1011-1017.
Chin W-C, Santschi PH, Quigg A, Xu C, Lin P & Kamalanathan M. Micro- and nano-plastics induced release of protein-enriched microbial exopolymeric substances (EPS) in marine environments. Environments. 2024. 11: 165.
Chang H-M, Zhang Y, Hashimoto C, Vazquez CI, Fang Y, Kumar P, Gardre A, Li C & Chin W-C. Sensitive detection of SARS-CoV2 spike antibodies by a paper-based polypyrrole/reduced graphene oxide sensor. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. 2024. Accepted
Vazquez C.I., Chang H.M., Gong, G.C., Shiu, R.F.* & Chin, W.C.* 2024 “Impact of nanoplastics on microgel formation from effluent organic matter” (Under Revision)
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